The project is made up of about 70 students of all ages, genders and courses of study, such as Engineering, but also Economics and Politic sciences. They are all united by the passion for motorsport and aim to create a racing prototype.
Each part of the project is supported by the teaching staff of the university, as team advisors. Each department refers to Francesco Sonego, team leader of this project and to Massimiliano Ceppi, technical director.
In order to facilitate and organize the work in a good way, the team is divided into six departments, each of which is coordinated by a manager:
- Enea Gherdol – Frame and structure
- Alessandro Mestriner – ePowertrain
- Fabio Zanchetta – Electronics
- Marco Petito – Aerodynamics

Our History
The team was created in november 2019 by Giovanni Maria Schettino, student of engneering and supported by Massimiliano Bondesan (chief of powertrain), Matteo Smaila (chief of frame and chassis), Federico Del Mondo (chief of aerodynamics), Leonardo Gregorat (chief of electronics) and Lisa Salaris (chief of business and logistics).
In august 2020 the torch have been passed to Lisa Salaris, student of naval architecture and marine engineering. She made the project grow strong and gave strong basis for the team’s future.
In 2021 we partecipated in Formula SAE Italy in class 3 achieving a 4th place into the business event, a 3rd place into the cost event, a 2nd place into the design event e and a 4th place overall.
The chiefs of season 2021 were: Lorenzo Elia (chief of powertrain), Federico Del Mondo (chief of aerodynamics), Leonardo Gregorat (chief of electronics), Massimiliano Ceppi (chief of frame and chassis), Silvia Bombardieri (chief of social media) and Dario Vucinic (chief of business).
In 2022 we partecipated in Formula SAE Italy in presence in class 1E achieving a 20° place into the business event, a 20° place into the cost event, a 23° place into the design event and a 22° place overall against 29 competitors.
In addition, it is important to remember our Team Leader’s victory of ANFIA Special Award.
The chiefs of season 2022 were: Massimiliano Ceppi (technical director), Lorenzo Elia (chief of powertrain), Gabriele Saba (chief of aerodynamics), Fabio Zanchetta (chief of electronics), Matteo Smaila (chief of frame and chassis), Lisa Salaris (team leader and chief of social media) and Diego Casanova (chief of business plan).
Other events:
Rome Maker Faire
The chiefs of season 2023 were: Massimiliano Ceppi (technical director), Lorenzo Elia (chief of powertrain), Marco Petito (chief of aerodynamics), Fabio Zanchetta (chief of electronics), Giuseppe Silvestro (chief of frame and chassis), Nicola Belussi (chief of social media) and Diego Casanova (chief of business plan).
Other events:
Trieste Maker Faire – 1° premio giuria
Rome Maker Faire
In september 2023, Francesco Sonego, student of economics became the new team leader.